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Student Accommodation Services (SAS)

What is SAS?

Student Accommodation Services, or SAS, is a functional service area on the OU Health Sciences and OU-Tulsa and campuses. Effective November 2024, SAS is responsible for all reasonable accommodations and temporary modifications, taking over responsibility from Norman Campus' Accessibility & Disability Resource Center (ADRC). SAS serves all students geographically based on the OU-Tulsa campus, the OU Health Sciences campus, and all OU Health Sciences program additional sites.

Students are encouraged to review all of our SAS web pages to find information about our registration process, documentation guidelines, renewing existing accommodations, resources specific to faculty, and more.  

Definition of Disability

Per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an individual with a disability is defined as a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment. 

At institutions of higher education, ADA dictates that students must self-disclose their disabilities in order to receive accommodations. Accommodations are not deemed to be in-place or official until the initial registration process is completed.

Our Team

 Two full-time Academic Resource Coordinators (ARCs) facilitate all Student Accommodation Services processes for Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and additional site students. Our ARCs work collaboratively to provide services for the campuses and sites they oversee.  Payton Patterson-Jones has primary responsibility for the Oklahoma City campus and all OU Health Sciences additional sites. Mackenzie Bedwell supports the OU-Tulsa campus.

Payton’s office is housed within OU Health Sciences Academic Affairs, located in the Bird Health Sciences Library Building at the west end of the first floor, where the photo wall ends, in Suite 164.

Payton Patterson-Jones (she/her)

Academic Resource Coordinator

Email Payton
Phone: 405-271-5557, ext. 40220
Office: Bird Library, Rm. 164D