Common Accommodations or Modifications
Accessible Educational Materials:
- All educational materials for the student should be provided in an accessible format.
- When possible, handouts and slide presentations should be provided to the student before class time so the student may read ahead and fully participate in class.
Accessible Electronic Textbooks:
- Please provide an accessible electronic version of any required textbooks.
- SAS and the ADRC will work together to provide accessible versions of textbooks, when requested by the student.
Adjustable Desk:
- Instructors should work with their department to provide an adjustable desk for the student’s use during class.
Announcement to Class Regarding Allergy:
- The student should discuss their needs regarding the announcement with their instructor in advance, privately.
- It is important that instructors do not disclose the name of the student when making the announcement.
Arrive Late to or Leave Early from Class:
- The student may need to arrive a few minutes late or leave a few minutes (approximately 5 to 10 minutes) early to accommodate travel between classes.
- Their attendance or participation grade for the class period should not be impacted.
Audio Record Lectures:
- The student is responsible for using their own personal device to record class content.
- Any recorded information is for the student’s personal use only and will be deleted when no longer needed.
Calculator for Math-Based Exams:
- The student may use a basic 4-function calculator on any math-based exam.
Captioning on Video Content:
- Any video content which is required for the student’s course(s) must have accurate captioning/subtitling.
Enlarged Font for Written Materials:
- Font sizes on any printed exams, quizzes, or other class materials/handouts should be provided to the student in a font size (ex: 18 px, 20 px, 22 px. etc.) pre-specified by the student.
Exams/Quizzes - Reduced Distraction Environment:
- The student may require testing in a reduced-distraction environment.
- Generally, SAS, and Bird Library in OKC, can accommodate students for proctoring during normal business hours, or instructors may work with the student to create a reduced distraction environment in another location on campus or at alternate sites.
Exams/Quizzes - Extended Time:
- Please extend the student’s exam time by the specified amount.
- If a time is not otherwise specified, the extended time to be granted is 50% additional time.
Exams/Quizzes - Extended Time & Stop Out Time:
- Please extend the student’s exam time by 50%, and
- Stop-Out Time is the ability to take brief, 5–10-minute, breaks from the exam to manage their disability without losing exam time (i.e., pause the clock).
- The student is expected to remain within range of the proctor and is not permitted access to their belongings during these breaks.
- If the exam is taken online and it is not possible to pause the student’s exam clock so that they may utilize their Stop-Out Time, please extend the student’s exam time by an additional 50%, for a total of 200% the standard time length (double time).
Flexibility in Attendance:
- The student may occasionally miss class due to their disability.
- The student must communicate their need for an accommodated absence as soon as they are able to by emailing their instructor and copying the Academic Resource Coordinator.
- The student is not required to provide any additional disability-related information. Instructors should not penalize the student for any disability-related absences.
- Arrangements should be made between the instructor and student regarding any assignments or exams that are missed due to the absence.
- For classes being given remotely, as an alternative to missing class, the student may utilize this accommodation by attending class with their camera off. In this instance, instructors should not call on the student or penalize them for lack of participation.
Food/Drink in Class:
- The student has permission to bring food and/or drink into class.
- Instructors may have additional requirements for the student such as keeping food/drink in a sealed container or stepping away from any workspaces/lab tables/etc. to eat and/or drink.
In-Class Materials in Advance:
- When possible, instructors should provide any materials used in class (handouts, PowerPoints, slide presentations, etc.) to the student at least 24 hours prior to class time so the student may read ahead and fully participate in class.
Occasional Assignment Extensions:
- The student is responsible for meeting course deadlines, but may need a 24–48-hour extension due to their disability.
- The student and instructor should discuss any necessary deadline modifications for assignments or projects, ideally before the due date, when feasible.
- When utilizing an extension, the formal request should be made via email to the faculty, and the SAS Academic Resource Coordinator should be copied on the email.
Service Animal in Class/Clinical Spaces:
- An individual’s right to use service dogs is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- A service animal must be individually trained to complete specific tasks.
- A service dog may accompany their handler to any building or facility where the public and program participants are allowed and are therefore allowed in OU classrooms and field placement sites.
- An accommodation from Student Accommodation Services is not required for students to have a Service Animal in campus spaces. Please contact us with any questions or support.
Short Breaks in Class:
- The student may need to leave class for a brief period of time.
- The student will do so while attempting to minimize disruption to the educational environment.
Speech-to-Text (Dictation):
- The student may use dictation software for exams/quizzes or assignments.
Text-to-Speech (Screen-Reader):
- Please ensure all educational materials, including exams, are accessible for a screen-reader.
Use of Stool for Lab Courses or Clinicals:
- Instructors or clinical coordinators should provide a stool or chair for the student and allow them to participate while seated when standing for extended periods of time is otherwise expected.
Other Accommodations
Depending on a student's individual needs and documented disabilities or temporary medical conditions, additional accommodations or modifications may be approved. If instructors or clinical site coordinators have questions or concerns about any accommodations, please do not hesitate to contact Student Accommodations Services via email or by calling 405-271-5557, ext. 40220.