Internet resources for the study of gait analysis, prosthetics, and orthotics
Gait analysis
| Clinical gait analysis page maintained by Dr. Chris Kirtley, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Catholic University of America
List of sites that maintain useful moving images of the walking cycle
Body Bipedal; Kevin Hunt, an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University, observes the motor and social behavior of chimpanzees in the wild.
Rehabilitation of people with lower extremity amputations
Burgess, E.M., Romano, R.L., & Zettl, J.H. (1969). Management of lower extremity amputations. Retrieved March 18, 2002 from the web site of Prosthetics Research Study (PRS),
On-line instructional manuals:
for patients with above-knee (transfemoral) amputations
for patients with below-knee (transtibial) amputations
Recommendations for shoes sponsored by Lawrence Huppin DPM of the Foot and Ankle Center of Puget Sound, Seattle, WA.
Patient information regarding custom foot orthoses, from the Foot and Ankle Center of Puget Sound.
Last updated 3-19-02