Stride analysis

The stride analysis variables most commonly used to describe a gait pattern:


Step Length (cm) 7966
Stride Length (cm) 158132
Cadence (steps/min) 117 (60-132) 117 (60 132
Velocity (m/sec) 1.541.31
Walking Base (cm) 8.17.1
Foot angle 7 6

Values for men adapted from Murray, Drought, & Kory (1964).
Values for women from Murray, Kory, & Sepic, (1970).

Stride analysis data are available for children in work by Sutherland, Olshen, Biden, & Wyatt (1988).

Stride analysis has an advantage in that its techniques are standardized and reasonably reliable (Stuberg, Colerick, & Blanke, 1988). Improvements in stride analysis also correlate with improvements in a person's functional ambulation (Holden, Gill, & Magliozzi, 1984).

References Holden, M.K., Gill, K.M., & Magliozzi, M.R. (1984). Clinical gait assessment in the neurologically impaired: Reliability and meaningfulness. Physical Therapy, 64, 35-40. A good introduction to issues of reliability in our attempts to describe gait deficits objectively.

Murray, M.P., Drought, A.B., & Kory, R.C. (1964). Walking patterns of normal men. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, 46A, 335-360.

Murray, M.P., Kory, R.C., & Sepic, S.B. (1970). Walking patterns of normal women. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilation, 51, 637-650.

Stuberg, W.A., Colerick, V.L., & Blanke, D.J. (1988). Comparison of clinical gait analysis method using videography and temporal-distance measures with 16-mm cinematography. Physical Therapy, 68,1221-1225.

Last updated 4-24-02 ©Dave Thompson PT