Interaction Torques

Static or quasi-static analyses are adequate for movements that are relatively slow or that involve a single joint. When we consider movements that are rapid or that involve a kinetic chain of several joints, we must consider "interaction torques" or "motion dependent torques." These torques are of three varieties:
  • inertial torques

  • centripetal torques

  • coriolis torques

  1. inertial (or tangential) forces and moments (torques)


    Fi=mra if a is expressed in radians/sec2

    When a multijoint kinetic chain moves, a segment’s movement is affected by movement at the other "distant" joints in the chain. Each of those moving joints contributes an inertial torque to the other joints in the chain.

    Thus, the inertial torque Mi = Fir = mr2a. This torque is a function of:

    1. the angular acceleration of the "distant" moving joint
    2. the moment of inertia of those segments distal to both joints

  2. centripetal (or radial) forces and moments

    where a is directed away from the joint center and is equal to

    If v is expressed in radians/sec2, then
    Fcn=mv2 and
    the centripetal moment Mcn=FcnR

    where R is the perpendicular moment arm from the force's line of application to the joint center.

    In the diagram above, shoulder movement produces centripetal forces at both the shoulder and the elbow.

  3. Coriolis forces and moments

    If two joints in a kinetic move at different angular velocities, they produce a separate Coriolis force whose magnitude is proportional to the difference between their velocities

    The coriolis force (C) that acts on the more distal of the two segments is:

    C= 2*v1*v2*r1*m1

    web resources that explain Coriolis forces:

Other sources of information on interaction forces and moments:
Last updated 3-31-00
Dave Thompson PT