Parent Page: Committees Councils & Boards id: 6591 Active Page: Academic Programs Councilid:6637

Academics Programs Council

The OUHSC APC is charged to evaluate proposed new academic programs in respect to feasibility, potential stability, and potential for excellence; to monitor and evaluate existing programs for the purpose of making recommendations for improvement; to evaluate proposed and existing programs for evidence of duplication; and make recommendations to the President through the Provost.  OUHSC APC shall report annually to the Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) Faculty Senate.

Policies and Procedure Manual

More Information

The APC Calendar, course production forms, OSRHE forms and other helpful information is found on the Admissions and Records website under the Faculty and Administration tab at

Committee Makeup

11 HSC Faculty appointed by the Senate; 3 Administration (Provost, Registrar, Academic Bulletins Editor).


3 years, staggered terms.

Current Membership

Name College Term
Dora Digiacinto (Chair) Allied Health 2024-2027
Hongwan Li Public Health 2024-2027
Mary Hudson (CT) Allied Health 2022-2025
Amy Costner-Lark Nursing 2023-2026
Fernando Esteban Florez Dentistry 2022-2025
Rachel Williams Allied Health (T) 2023-2026
Chris Horton
Graduate College 2024-2027
Jiyang Cai Medicine 2023-2026
Katherine O'Neal Pharmacy 2023-2026
Lawrence Rothblum Medicine 2022-2025
Joyce Tow Nursing 2024-2027
Shailendra Dwivedi Medicine 2024-2027