Parent Page: Committees Councils & Boards id: 6591 Active Page: Campus Tenure Committeeid:6638

Campus Tenure Committee

The charge of this committee is to review all tenure recommendations and provide advice on whether or not the academic unit's recommendation on tenure with regard to both substance and process is sustained by the documentation provided and is consistent with the approved tenure criteria. Membership of this committee consists of tenured faculty nominated by the Senate and approved by the President.

Committee Makeup

13 Tenured HSC Faculty, nominated by the Senate and appointed by the President.


3 years, staggered terms.

Current Membership

Name College Term
Fernando Esteban Florez Dentistry 2022-2025
Betsy Hile (CT) Allied Health 2024-2027
Sixia Chen Public Health 2024-2027
Randy Gallucci Pharmacy 2024-2027
Valerie Eschiti Nursing 2022-2025
Kathleen Dwyer Nursing 2024-2027
Karla Rodgers Medicine 2022-2025

Medicine, Tulsa 2022-2025
Evan Floyd Public Health 2023-2026
Carole Johnson Allied Health 2023-2026
Guangpu Li Medicine 2023-2026
Sharukh Khajotia Dentistry 2023-2026
Grant Skrepnek Pharmacy 2023-2026