There is no meeting in January. Please join the Staff Senate on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., for the HSC Staff Senate meeting. A zoom link will be sent campus wide the week of the meeting.
Staff Senate meetings are open for everyone to attend. Note: Staff Senate does not meet in the month of July or January.
Call to Order
Identify Quorum & Voting Members
I. Approval of Minutes Leslee Smith, Chair
II. Treasurer's Report Mika Linch, Treasurer
III. Staff Senate Spotlight Kelley Spelman
IV. Committee Reports (if needed)
a. Committee on Committees Leslee Smith, Chair
b. Communications Kelli Dyer, Chair
c. Employee Recognition Nancy Geiger and Sarah Smith, Co-Chairs
d. Community Outreach Sarah Smith and Maria Esparza, Co-Chairs
e. Staff Events Marty Walton, Co-Chair, vacant Co-Chair
f. Employee of the Month Kaylie Stogsdill, Chair
g. Fundraising Lindsay Mitchell, Co-Chair, vacant Co-Chair
V. Unfinished Business
VI. New Business
VII. Announcements
VIII. Adjournment