Gold: Guru Billers (Dept of Pediatrics)
Flavi-Flaves (Dept of Comparative Medicine)
Pharm Pirates (College of Pharmacy)
Gold: Twisted Spines (OU Physicians-Children's)
Silver: Guru Billers (Dept of Pediatrics)
Bronze: Suite Success Two (Embassy Suites)
Gold: Moleculera Marauders (Moleculera Labs)
Silver: OUP Financial Services (OU Physicians)
Gold: Grad Crew (Graduate College)
Silver: Team AP (Accounts Payable-Admin & Finance)
Bronze: Moleculera Marauders (Moleculera Labs)
CEO Challenge HSC Deans & Health Center CEOs
Gold: Suite Success One (Embassy Suites)
Silver: Flavi-Flaves (Dept of Comparative Medicine)
Bronze: Wacky Witches (OU Physicians)
Medals presented by:
Debby Hampton
Sponsored by College of Dentistry
Funded by Presbyterian Health Foundation
Taco Addict
Let's Do Greek
George’s Happy Hog Bar B-Q
Also, please plan on attending the Bake Sale
-Inside Library Lobby-
*Begins at 9:00 a.m.
(Hosted by HSC Staff Senate)
For questions contact Heather Markgraf at or 271-8001 ext. 52463