Students should use lab time to consider the first set of problems, to ask questions, and to have their knowledge challenged by instructors and classmates.
As you review wrist anatomy, note:
Identify the tendons that, encased in synovial tendon sheaths, comprise six numbered dorsal compartments of interests to hand therapists:
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To understand the muscular synergies involved in opening the hand (and in the next problem, which involves closing the hand), you should examine the extensor mechanism and the muscles that attach to it. Refer to a popular anatomy atlas like Netter (1997, Plate 433 - Flexor and extensor tendons in fingers), to your text's reproductions of Netter's drawings of the extensor mechanism (Smith, Weiss, & Lehmkuhl, 1996, Fig 6-12), or to adaptations of Netter's drawings.
The extensor digitorum "is mechanically capable of extending the MCP, PIP, and DIP joints but not at the same time. When the extensor digitorum contracts alone, ... the MCP joints extend but the IP joints remain semiflexed in a clawhand position (Smith, Weiss, & Lehmkuhl, 1996, p.205-6)." The authors also explain that the extensor digitorum combines with the lumbricales in a muscle synergy to open the hand. Unless the hand must be opened forcefully or against resistance, the interosseous muscles are inactive (pp. 206-207).
According to Smith, Weiss, and Lehmkuhl (1996, p. 201), "forceful closure of the hand or power grip elicits high-level activity of the flexor digitorum superficialis, the interossei, and the flexor digitorum profundus."
Explain why we use the interosseous muscles in hand closure, even though they can contribute to PIP and DIP extension.
The first CMC joint also flexes and extends in a plane that is parallel to the palm. Some therapists refer to extension in this plane as "radial abduction."
Opposition and its antagonistic movement, reposition, involve an automatic rotation of the first metacarpal that occurs when certain movements are combined. You can verify this if you:
extend and adduct the first CMC: the metacarpal rotates the opposite direction as the joint moves toward reposition.
Note that you cannot passively rotate the CMC after you have placed it in full opposition or full reposition. Those are the joint's close packed positions. The joint's capsular fibers are elongated as the joint approaches either end of its range of motion. Once they capsule is maximally elongated and its ligamentous fibers are maximally, the surfaces cannot rotate further.
Students should consider the second set of problems during the lab session. However, the problems contain enough background information for students to work on them independently after lab.
Special tests are designed around knowledge of anatomy (including innervation) and function. Hertling and Kessler (1996, p. 261) describe a specific functional deficit in a person whose anterior interosseous nerve is compressed. "During pinch the distal phalanges of the thumb and index finger cannot flex and stay in extension."
Froment's sign (Rothstein, Roy, & Wolf, 1991, pp. 126-7) is the eponym for a special test that assesses function in a specific nerve. The subject performs the test by grasping a piece of paper between the tip of the thumb (with the IP joint extended) and the radial side of the second digit. Froment's sign is judged to be positive if the person must flex the thumb's IP joint to maintain a grasp when the examiner attempts to pull the paper from the person's fingers.
When the examiner notes a positive Froment's sign, he or she judges that:
Students who have additional time on their hands can address the third set of problems.
The extensor pollicis longus and brevis "extend the thumb and from this position can act as [MCP] adductors" (Smith, Weiss, & Lehmkuhl, 1996, p. 211). Explain this observation in terms of the muscles' lines of application.
Resist the action of each of your partner's interosseous muscles in abduction or adduction of the appropriate MCP joint. In many people, abduction is more forceful in the second digit than the others.
Rothstein, J.M., Roy, S.H., & Wolf, S.L. (1991). The rehabilitation specialist's handbook. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.