Live Animal Imaging CORE











The LAICores at DMEI and BMSB include systems for retinal electrophysiology, visual acuity analysis, ocular substructure imaging, fundoscopy, and angiography.

Electroretinography (ERG)

ERG is the gold standard for retinal function testing. Information on the Diagnosys ERG systems can be found here. Two ERG systems are available at BMSB, while three ERGs are available at DMEI. A multifocal ERG system will be installed into one of the Modules in the near future.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

OCT uses light waves to image samples with depth in high-resolution for ultrastructural studies. The imaging process is non-destructive and animals can be imaged throughout the course of a study. Information on the Bioptigen SDOCT system can be found here.


Optomotry measures functional vision using the opto-kinetic tracking response in rodents non-destructively and in real time. Information on the Cerebral Mechanics Optomotry system can be found here.

Microns III and IV

The Microns are used for brightfield and fluorescent imaging and fluorescent angiography of mice and rats. A slit lamp is also available for anterior segment imaging. Information on the Microns can be found here. The Micron III system is available at the BMSB Core, while a new Micron IV system is available at the DMEI Core.

The Micron IV has an image-guided laser photocoagulation attachment, see information here.

Both Microns have slit lamp attachments, see information here.

Support equipment at DMEI includes the following. Please contact the Systems Managers to schedule usage:

Zeiss operating microscope and MindStream imaging equipment

Inhalation anesthesia, flow meter policy

Portable equipment includes the following. Please contact the Systems Managers to schedule usage:

Indirect Ophthalmoscope

Hand-held slit lamp microscope

Rebound tonometer

Questions about environmental housing at DMEI, including dark adaptation, light damage housing, or oxygen or humidity chamber housing can be forwarded to Mark Dittmar, Manager DMEI Vivarium.