Live Animal Imaging CORE











DMEI Location

Animals removed from the animal housing in the DMEI ARF for analysis in the LAI-DMEI may be returned to housing in the DMEI ARF. Animals removed from the DMEI ARF for any reason will not be allowed back into the facility. Please familiarize yourselves with the Standard Operating Procedures for traffic, PPE, animal handling, and anything specific to your protocol BEFORE beginning work.

Standard Operating Procedures for the DMEI ARF:

  • Animal Facility Entry and Exit (1, 2)

Standard Operating Procedures for LAI-DMEI Equipment:

BMSB Location

Animals must be transported between the LAI-BMSB Core and the BMSB ARF using the ARF Elevator only. Animals MUST be in clean cages before transport to the Core. There ARE in/out privileges for animals housed in the BMSB ARF.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Any animal or personnel leaving the LAI-BMSB Core via hallway doors may NOT return to the Core from that area, unless prior authorization has been given. Doors to the hallways on the 1st and 7th floors lock from the outside. You will not be let back in through this route. This traffic pattern is set to prevent outside contaminants from entering the BMSB Core and the BMSB ARF.

Standard Operating Procedures for the BMSB ARF:

Standard Operating Procedures for LAI-BMSB Equipment:

Specific procedures for using each piece of equipment can be obtained during training sessions and found in user manuals, which are located on the desktop of each equipment workstation. Copies of the manuals for personal use can be obtained from the Systems Analysts.