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Interested in Joining a Committee?

Each year positions become available on committees serving the OUHSC Staff Senate, the OU Health Sciences Center Campus, and the University of Oklahoma as a whole. You can find a description of all committees in the links to the left, or by clicking on a specific committee linked below.

The Staff Senate would like to identify staff members from all departments who are interested in serving on these committees. It is not necessary to be a member of the Staff Senate to serve on a committee. This is an opportunity for you to become involved in campus and University affairs, to influence University policies, and to help direct the course that the University takes.

If you are interested in joining one or more committees, please discuss your availability with your supervisor, then complete the committee interest form and return to the Staff Senate Office.

Executive Committee 
Executive Committee
Standing and Ad-hoc Committees
Budget and Planning Committee
Committee on Committees
Communications Committee
Community Outreach Committee
Employee of the Month Committee
Employee Recognition Committee
Policy Review Committee
Fundraising Committee
Staff Events Committee
HSC Committees
Campus Parking Committee
Shared Leave Committee
Staff Grievance Committee
University Committees
Athletics Committee
Copyright Committee
Discrimination and Harassment Committee
Employee Benefits Committee
Patent Advisory Committee