Ami Bax, MD
OKLEND Co-Director, Chief - Section on Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, OU Child Study Center
What is your role with the CLL | UCEDD?
Vice Chair for the OK UCEDD-LEND Consumer Advisory Committee; LEND Co-Director
Why did you decide to work in the field of Disability?
I enjoy providing diagnostic and treatment care for children with autism, ADHD, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, developmental delays, and other behavioral health problems. I also serve as the OU Health Child Study Center Medical Director, Chief of OUHSC Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics Section, and director of the OU Developmental & Behavioral Pediatric Fellowship program. I have conducted interdisciplinary research related to pediatric residents’ parenting advice, preschool ADHD, neurobiologic differences in children with autism and ADHD, and developmental follow-up evaluation program for children post-single ventricle palliation.
My work allows me to both directly connect to caregivers and families in a way that I can offer meaningful support to them and their children and also advance our field by training other developmental-behavioral pediatric clinicians and advocate alongside other colleagues, caregivers, and self-advocates for improved knowledge, services, and supports for individuals with disabilities.
How does your perspective inform your work?
I am a parent of 4 children, regular participant in interdisciplinary teaming and care, and colleague and mentor to many individuals with lived experience. All of these experiences have allowed me more opportunities to better understand the experience of individuals with disability whom I support through clinical care and advocacy.
When you are not working, how do you relax and practice self-care?
I love attending my children’s soccer and basketball games, music recitals and concerts, and other events! My husband and family and I love traveling and hope we can continue to visit many new countries and cultures in the future. I also love reading and sipping coffee on our back patio while watching the deer pass through our yard on a daily basis!
What is a motto or saying that motivates or inspires you?
“Everything is figure-outable!”
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