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OU College of Allied Health Team Honored by National Organization

Published: Friday, November 18, 2022

The organization presents annual awards for Institutional Excellence and Innovation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Care.

The College of Allied Health team receiving the award included: Jane Wilson, M.S., Ph.D., RDH, dean of the College; Katie Eliot, Ph.D., M.S., B.S., associate professor of Nutritional Sciences; Denise Bender, P.T., J.D., MEd, FNAP, David Ross Boyd Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences; and Margaret Robinson, MEd., associate director of Interdisciplinary Education at the OU Health Sciences Center. The recipients were recognized and presented their award-winning programs at the 2022 ASAHP Annual Conference in Long Beach, California.

Students and faculty from the College of Allied Health are integral partners in the development and facilitation of the university’s two-year longitudinal IPE curriculum that was designed to meet the Interprofessional Education Collaborative Core Competencies and program-specific competencies. The faculty members at the College have educated thousands of highly qualified professionals who serve as clinicians, educators, research scientists and administrators in the nation’s health care delivery and educational systems.

Wilson said, “We are proud that our college fosters a dynamic learning institution where students and faculty actively engage and collaborate with patients, community members and interprofessional providers to promote health in diverse environments. Our leadership and participation in IPE supports the mission and vision for our campus and it is an honor to receive this national award recognizing our efforts.”