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Quiz Set: W-001

Kar-Ming Fung, M.D., Ph.D.

1.    Which of the following tumors is least likely to metastasize to bone?  Answer

A.  Leiomyosarcoma

B.  Renal cell carcinoma

C.  Adenocarcinoma arising in the lung

D.  Invasive ductal carcinoma arising in the breast

E.  Prostate carcinoma

2.    Metastatic carcinoma is more common to be found in the axial skeleton?  Answer

A.  True

B.  False

3.    Which of the brain tumors has the highest tendency to metastasize to bone?  Answer

A.  Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma

B.  Medulloblastoma

C.  Glioblastoma

D.  Pilocytic astrocytoma

E.  Ependymoma arising in the brain

4.    Which of the following combinations of immunohistochemistry would indicate a metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma?  Answer

A.  Cytokeratin 7 (-), Cytokeratin 20 (+), thyroid transcription factor 1 (-), villin (+)

B.  Cytokeratin 7 (+), Cytokeratin 20 (-), thyroid transcription factor 1 (+), villin (-)

C.  Cytokeratin 7 (+), Cytokeratin 20 (+), thyroid transcription factor 1 (-), villin (+)

D.  Cytokeratin 7 (+), Cytokeratin 20 (-), synaptophysin (+)

E.  Cytokeratin 7 (-), Cytokeratin 20 (-), Cytokerain 5/6 (+)

5.    The overall rate of pathologic fracture associated with skeletal metastasis of prostate carcinoma is:  Answer

A.  Higher than other metastatic tumors.

B.  The same as other metastatic tumors.

C.  Lower than other metastatic tumor.

Last updated: October, 20, 2011. Contributed by Kar-Ming Fung, M.D., Ph.D.

Dept. of Pathology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, U.S.A.