
Celebrate African American History Month with Disability Rights Leaders

To celebrate African American History Month, the Center for Learning and Leadership/UCEDD is highlighting exceptional African American leaders and advocates with disabilities. Many African American individuals with disabilities have made lasting contributions for all people with disabilities, and have helped advance rights for people with disabilities, while promoting visibility and equity for all. Read a short list of disabilities-rights advocates of color below, with links to more information.

Donald Galloway: A pioneer for inclusion, Donald Galloway advocated for disability rights and independent living as the director of services for the blind with the Center for Independent Living in the 1970’s.Donald challenged the independent living movement to be more inclusive to people of color. Read about him here.

Johnnie Lacy: Johnnie Lacy was director of Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) in California, and a contemporary of advocate Ed Roberts. After acquiring a disability from Polio at age 19, Johnnie fought for the rights of people of color and people with disabilities. She was a strong leader and early member of the disability rights and independent living movement. Read about her here.

Brad Lomax: Brad Lomax was a disability rights activist and member of the Black Panthers. He worked with the Black Panthers to provide food during the 504 sit ins of 1977, which resulted in the signing of the first civil rights law protecting individuals with disabilities. Read about him here.

LeDerick Horne: LeDerick Horne is a speaker, author, poet, and advocate and with disabilities. He has spoken at the White House, the United Nations, and at countless businesses, government agencies, schools, and educational events. Find his website here and listen to him narrate a video about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act here.

Haben Girma: An advocate for equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, Haben was the first Deafblind person to graduate from Harvard Law School. She has received multiple accolades and awards, and was named as a White House Champion of Change by President Obama. Read more about her here, and view her TED Talk here.

Find more information about these leaders and others here:



LeDerick Horn’s Black History & People with Disabilities Video Series

504 Sit Ins Documentary

Additional information about

Donald Galloway

Johnnie Lacy story

Johnnie Lacy Interview

Brad Lomax

LeDerick Horne’s Youtube Channel

Harben Girma