Parent Page: News id: 14023 Active Page: detailsid:14024

As a leader in stroke care, OU Health is bringing the first computer-aided triage system approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to the Comprehensive Stroke Center at OU Health University of Oklahoma Medical Center.

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In an effort to help pediatric specialists provide the most advanced cardiac care to their patients, the Oklahoma Children’s Hospital Heart Center team has announced the opening of a state-of-the-art hybrid suite facility.

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For 45 years, Danny Cavett has been a compassionate and supportive presence for hospital patients and their families, helping them navigate difficult circumstances and create meaning from situations that seemed to have none. This month, Cavett officially retires as Director of Pastoral Care for OU Health, where his work as a chaplain has touched an untold number of people.

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The 2022 Evening of Excellence gala, which celebrates healthcare and community leaders while raising funds for research at the OU College of Medicine, will be held March 24 at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum.

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Research article discusses solution-oriented policies to limit quantity, location and type of stores that can sell tobacco, reducing visibility of tobacco products.

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